And Astral Magic

Astrology basically deals with stars, planetary
gemstones, birth dates and star signs. Perfect
mix of permutations and combinations based on
celestial calculations.
magic is a combination
of complex calculations and magical rituals.
Astrology and astral magic deals with gemology/gemstones
and magic.
Quiet simply to put in brief, astro readings will
let you know your future and thats it. Astral
magic is a practice which is used to shape or
reshape your future path on the basis of your
astro readings.
Once your reading is made, I shall then let you
know if at all it is needed to act on your future
path by shaping or reshaping it as you desire.
This is done by me providing you with a specific
gemstone and it will be infused by me on the principles
of astral magic.
reading and an appropriate gem will cost US $100
in total.
Gemstone can be set in a ring or pendant on special
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